Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Yesterday in an effort to finish up one of the largest assignments I have ever had, I stayed back at the library after class until the boys were finished with their football training. I was exhausted, my head was hurting, I was hungry, I was drenched from the rain, freezing my ass off and truly believed nothing could happen to make my day better. And just as I was about to rip apart my laptop, I remembered that someone had their TV interview the night before. So I went to the TV channel's facebook page to read about the interview.

When I got to the page, there was an update about the show. It wasn't complete so I followed the link to finish reading about the experience that I so badly wanted to be there for. When the page opened, I literally jumped in my chair and have never in my life tried so hard not to squeal. I didn't think it would be appropriate to be squealing and jumping around in a library. Want to know why?

Because when the page opened, not only was the end of the article there. But there was a video of the show!!!!
Imagine my excitement! My heart skipped a beat! It literally made my day. I was so upset that all my friends in Dubai went together to watch the showing and to be able to watch it now, to be able to watch his first time interviewed on TV. Interviewed about something he's worked so hard for and so passionate about. The level of happiness I felt at that moment was indescribable!

For all of the video, I sat at the cubicle smiling deliriously, looking like a complete fool and truly thankful for the walls of the cubicle protecting me from the other people in the library. I couldn't scream or laugh or call people and share the excitement! So instead, I went online and virtual screamed to him.

I'm so proud of you.You've sacrificed so much for this. I know this more than anyone. I know the stress you've been under. I know how much you've worked for this. This is the first of many many times that you can prove those people wrong. Those people who didn't believe in you. People who should have stood by you and instead turned the other way.

So to you, CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to get back and re-celebrate with you! I'm so proud of you babe.

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