Sunday, May 02, 2010

Trust. To have faith in others and to believe them. 

That's what wikipedia defines. Such a simple word, such a simple meaning. What it doesn't tell you about are all the other things that go along with the word trust. It's really not a simple thing to do. It needs to be earned. It needs to be maintained. It can be broken with one small action. Of course there are different levels of trust but the minute you say you trust someone, you've created a bond. Of course, there are different levels of trust. But you expect certain things from that person regardless.

You expect them to have your back, you expect them to keep secret things that you tell them, you expect them to be there for you, you expect them to tell you things upfront, you expect them to be more than just an acquaintance. You believe the words they tell you. The promises. With some people, you can easily say you put your life in their hands. You know that no matter what, they will stick to their word. That's what trust is. 

Seems simple enough right? Sure. When you first trust someone, it may come easy. It may be something that just comes naturally. But the minute they screw that up, the minute they decide that bond is not as important as it used to be, the minute they forget what it means, that's when everything turns messy. All the definitions in the world don't tell you about the emotional baggage one carries to 'trust'. The hurt, the betrayal, the disappointment. No one ever mentions that. And yet, that's all you can think about, all you can feel. 

And once that bond has been broken once, it take so much work and so much time to get it back. A lot of the time, you can never trust that person fully. Ever again. So don't screw it up. Don't give that bond an opportunity to fall apart. 

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