Thursday, November 26, 2009

I've been home for about a week now. And it's been incredible.
The house is a little empty, Mum & Ramizah are back in Singapore, so Dad & I are bonding. Which has been nice. I've had to keep myself busy during the day though. Being a house-daughter is tiring.

So far...

- the weather has been AMAYZING. There is no other way to describe it except PERFECTION. It gets hot during the day but bearable. And at night... *sigh*.
- spent ALOT of time with Shal, chilling & catching up BIG TIME. She's awesome. Always always always able to cheer me up.
- Warren came back last night. Just got home from some much needed bondage. Best company tonight. Haven't laughed so hard in AGES. Well worth the craziness of the daytime. And bebeh, I'm no longer angry at you. Well I was never angry, just really pissed and frustrated. But you came and it was hard to stay angry innit.
- having the car at my disposal is AWESOME. But I do miss the mumeh. Home is not the same. Very strange.
- barely taken any photos. FAIL.
- haven't gone to the beach. Double FAIL.
- has not had shawarma! EPIC FAIL.

So far, that's what's been going on. Leave for Singapore in a few days to start wedding madness! WOOTS.
And I get to see uni people!! ROSAAAA 2 WEEKS!


aisha said...

u hvnt had shawarma?! CHILD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!

sHeEpIeS said...

i had some the other night. and i went to the beach yesterday. it was awesome. no sun, and yet i got face sunburn. eesh