Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm finally well.
Spent last night at Kak Ina's place to celebrate her turning a year older. Had pancakes this morning. Came home. Studied. Went to Coles. Got groceries. Now writing on blog. Productive? Not quite. LOL.

It's been a strange few days. Nothing strange has really happened. But I'm not feeling like myself. Something feels weird. Not good weird. I don't know what it is. I wish Aisha was here to talk this out with me. Figure out what the hell is wrong. Don't want to whine to anyone here, everyone has exams. Whining wouldn't be on top of the list of things to entertain.

Visit from home in a couple of days. Can't wait for that. Can't wait for the cuddles and the bitching. Need to study ass off tomorrow and the next day so can slack abit on the weekend.

Oh. Also. Had chocolate mud cake with ice-cream last night. Yum.

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